The military DC-3, best known as the "Dakota". One of the most successful aircraft ever, and praised by Eisenhower amongst the most important instruments of victory in WWII. More than 13300 of the DC-3 in all its forms were built -- this included Japanese and Soviet production. Of course the C-47 was also used for other tasks than transport. There was an HC-47 rescue aircraft, an RC-47 recce aircraft, TC-47 trainer, and an EC-47. The AC-47 was a gunship version of the C-47, used as late as the the Vietnam war. Armament was pointed through the left windows; the AC-47 sprayed its targets with gunfire in a lefthand turn.

Type: C-47
Function: transport
Year: 1941 Crew: 3 Engines: 2 * 880kW P&W R-1830-92
Wing Span: 29.11m Length: 19.43m Height: 5.18m Wing Area: 91.69m
Empty Weight: 8256kg Max.Weight: 11794kg
Speed: 368km/h Ceiling: 7100m Range: 2400km
Freight: 4500kg or 28 seats.